Earning money from a website is one of the very popular ways. But how to make money with Google Adsense without a website? Let us learn and find out.
Adsense has been one of the most attractive avenues to net geeks to earn money. There are two main important factors for it. Number one is Adsense is promoted by Google which is the king of the internet. Secondly, it offers reasonably high revenue in a most transparent way.
Google Adsense is one of the best contextual ad networks which provides qualitative Ads to the Advertisers.
Adsense is best for making money because of the following reasons.
- It is completely an automatic solution to provide Ads.
- Adsense provides Ads for different categories.
- It provides Ads both of low and high CPC.
- There is no worry for only low-quality ads, as it provides ads from various category and it keeps on changing.
- Revenue sharing by the Google is transparent.
- It is a very easy to use solution.
If you have a website and drawing good enough traffic over it, then earning through Adsense is a natural option. Getting approval from Adsense is not a big issue as always proclaimed. But what if you don’t have a website?
Make Money with Google Adsense without a Website
There are different ways to make money with Google Adsense without a website. Let us enumerate those avenues one by one here.
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Make Money by Using HowHub
The HowHub website is a well-known name among the people who are looking to make money with Google Adsense without a website.
It is a very high volume website which provides you the opportunity to earn revenue by posting a qualitative article on it.
The site is totally free to join and without any risk. If you are good at writing quality articles, your earnings may skyrocket. They offer you shares ranging from 50-100% of the total revenue earned from your post.
Make Money by Using YouTube
YouTube is yet another lucrative option to make money with Google Adsense without a website. It is an equally viable opportunity.
In YouTube, you are required to share videos. Your video should be unique and should be able to draw an audience. You can run Adsense on your YouTube videos.
Make Money by Using Revenue Sharing Sites
There are many revenue sharing sites. They offer you a certain percentage of the share, your post earn revenue from Adsense.
Some of such sites include Simpy.com, Digital Point Forum, Squido, InfoBarrel, SheToldMe etc.
To make money with Google Adsense without a website on sharing basis, you don’t need to have even an Adsense account. All you need is a unique article that can enthuse people to read it and thereby draw traffic.
Though for earning money through Adsense you are required to have a website or YouTube account and a valid AdSense account, even though you don’t have still you can make money with Google Adsense without a website by following the above methods.
Hope this article will help you to contribute to your earning desire from the Google Adsense.
Thanks, All the Best.
An excellent article on monetizing a WordPress site.
Thank You.