How to Remove Malware Manually from Blogger : Step by Step Process

How to Remove Malware Manually from Blogger After Getting Malware Notification/ Warning in Your Bing Webmaster Tool

When you go to Bing Webmaster Dashboard. You may be greeted with the message “IMPORTANT ALERT MESSAGES, Malware detected on your site”? Alternatively, You may also receive a mail from Bing Webmaster. They notify you about the presence of a malware/ malwares on your site. Such notification is quite disturbing in nature to any webmaster. Such notifications mere mention presence of malware’s on your site, but it does not disclose the files or locations on the site. The presence of malware’s is not easy to clean, particularly when the source of the infection is completely unknown. In view of this background, the most pertinent question is How to Remove Malware Manually.

Bing on the discovery of malwares during their routine scans of websites notify you four things.

  • URL of the infected site
  • Type of issues discovered
  • Date of detection of the issues.
  • Last scan date

Malware Detection By Bing Webmaster

To find out the type of issues discovered, Bing Categories  can be referred, which implicitly detail the following:-

Issue Short Description
Description Details
Malware Network Reference
Reference to known malware distribution network detected. This could be via inclusion of an iframe or frame tag, an embedded object, or a script tag.
Browser Exploit
Malicious browser exploit detected, causing unsolicited execution of malicious, external code.
Potential Malicious JavaScript
Malicious JavaScript detected embedded in the page or one of its attached scripts or frames. This could include code facilitating a redirect to a known malware distributor, behaviors matching those from known exploit kits, or browser exploit code.
Malicious ActiveX
Malicious activity detected via ActiveX interactions.
Potential preparation for a browser exploits detected via a heap spray. Heap spraying is a technique used in exploits to facilitate arbitrary code execution. The exploit can force the application to read this address from the sprayed heap, it can control the flow of execution when the code uses that address as a function pointer and redirect it to the sprayed heap.
Malware Found on Adjacent Pages
URL is a part of malware container (e.g. a folder or sub-domain).

Malware Reported by External Source

Malware was reported by external sources.
Note: Usually one or more of the above malware warnings are denoted by Bing.

Current Status of Malware in Bing

To find out the current status of the Malware, you can browse the Bing Webmaster Tool. Navigate to Dashboard > Security > Malware, under the “URLs with Malware” head, Here you will be shown the URL of the infected site. You will also find some more information like Type of the issues, Additional Details, Last Scanned Date and the Last Detected Date. Once the type of issues is known, the obvious question arises is How to Remove Malware Manually from the site. Here after you can proceed to find and resolve the issue as follows.

How to Remove Malware Manually from Blogger

1.  Use Google Safebrowsing Tool and check whether your site is really infected with some malwares. Usually, this tool does not show any infections implying that there is nothing serious problem with the site and it is not under some malicious attack.


2.  If the above tool shows you some infections, it is time for you to use some well-established tools like SiteLock Website Scanning to cleanse your site. Remember Sitelock removes the malwares from your hosted files of your site from the server itself so it is very efficient and effective.


3.  Inspect your all iFrame objects, Script tags, ActiveX interactions, JavaScripts and all external codes for the presence of any malwares. On any suspicion it is best to out rightly remove such codes and if the requirement is so compulsive always install fresh copies.


4.  It is highly desirable to change the passwords of your site and use typical passwords with a mixture of Lower, Upper keys, numerical and special characters.



Use of Malware Tools

5.  It is possible that the problem may be in one or more of your outbound links as shown in the above picture. You can download link identifier scanning tools like SEO Spider Tool from Screaming Frog  orXenu Link Slueth  to analyze and identify your site’s external links. When you are finished scanning all of the external links to your site, copy the URL of the external links into a CSV document. Now check each URL link using the freely available Malware and Security Scanner Tool . Remember the process may take longer duration depending upon the number of external links, but it is worth investing your time and energy to free the site of harmful elements. Once you have identified the external link which is pointing or linking to the malicious site, just remove it.


6.  When you have tried your best and possibly removed the malwares or all harmful elements from the site, submit your site to Bing for REVIEW. You can do so by going to Dashboard > Security > Malware and clicking on ‘Request a Review’ option to submit the form and start the review process. Bing will crawl your site and scan for the infections. Normally It takes max. 2-4 weeks to notify you when the site is free from infections.



The above six steps address the question, How to Remove Malware Manually from Blogger. While talking about the removal of malware from websites, It is pertinent to mention that people working on Windows system do not prefer to turn on Windows Defender and instead the majority of them get satisfied by mere installing some third parties anti virus tools. Remember, Windows Defender is an excellent malware removal software. For some reasons, if it is not turning ON in your operating system, you can take help from here to TURN ON WINDOWS DEFENDER to protect your system.


Please be aware that until you have rectified the issue and submitted your site for a review, Bing will keep flashing a security warning. It flashes Security Warning Messages to all the prospective visitors. They are notified about the possible presence of malwares on the site. This action of Bing brings down traffic to the site substantially. Therefore we must resolve the issue as soon as possible. It is important to note that it is our responsibility to not only keep our own sites clean but equally we should avoid any link to the malicious sites.


 Hope in this article, How to Remove Malware Manually from Blogger has been sufficiently answered and will help the readers to get rid of the problem of malware infections.
Thanks and All the Best 🙂
How to Remove Malware from BloggerMalwareSecurity
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